Why Content Should Shape Your Design
Content is considered as the backbone of a good website mainly because people will access your website to read the content and possibly look at the images, not to simply look at the layout of your page. Without good content it is impossible to attract both users and search engines to your website. There are at least 2 reasons why content should shape your website’s design and these reasons are elaborated below.
Why Content Should Shape your Website
- Choosing the Right Template Based on Content – By creating the content in the early stages you will understand how to design your website, how to plan the layout and even choose an appropriate template. Content heavy templates are often different from websites with light to medium content. Content heavy templates have different line spacing, font, colour and other factors that make them suitable for a large amount of content.
- Insertingthe Right Buttons Based on Articles and Content – The Call to Action Buttons, Roll Over Buttons and any other type of interactive buttons will be dependent on the amount of content you place on your website. Planning a template and layout first, and then placing the content you will understand better how many buttons you can fit inside the content, how much spacing is required between the buttons and what size buttons to use.
Important Things to Remember While Creating Content for your Website
- If you have already completed creating content for your website and need to edit or delete content to fit in your existing template, then make sure that you re-vamp your website in the process. Keep the content that is important, update the content and even get rid of outdated material.
- In case you do not have an in-house team to help you with creating content for your website, then as far as possible stay away from spinning software that basically give you choppy sentences which practically make no sense to your users. A better alternative would be to hire a web developing company for creating for your website and also design the website for you.
Bottom Line, Content is the King
Without a solid footing, websites do not stand a chance to survive in this tough online marketing. Making the content on your website work for you is not a tough task provided you have selected a template that is in synch with the content you have already created. If you need additional help to understand why content should shape your website then consider reading various guides online or hiring a SEO consultant to give you a better overview and perspective on this topic.