3 Mistakes to Avoid While Asking for Web Design Quotes

web design quotesWeb design quotes can be acquired from a variety of sources, such as websites that act as a liaison between clients and contractors as well as directly from the contractor’s website. Asking for a written quote is always better than getting a quote via the phone through a phone call, as a written quote will help you have records of the conversation between you and the contractor. Listed below are the top 3 mistakes that you should avoid when you hire a web developer and ask for web design quotes.

  1. Asking for Quotes Without Providing Information – To ensure that clients get accurate quotes that don’t exceed the client’s budget, the web developer needs some basic information such as the type of service required, the type of maintenance contract required, a brief requirement of the client, a brief history of the business and the amount the client is willing to spend for developing a business website. The best way to get web design quotes is to fill out a form either on the website of the contractor or via email.
  2. Asking for the Cheapest Quote and Expecting the Best Service – Many clients believe that outsourcing to India is cheap thus they expect really affordable quotes for excellent services. Outsourcing is indeed cheaper than hiring an onshore expert; however in order to get a good website, it is important to hire a web developer who has both expertise and knowledge. A good web developer from India, can give you a reasonable quote however, the term reasonable has various connotations for different people. Remember, if you want added services, such as customized packages and maintenance contracts then the web developer will be willing to negotiate provided the negotiation is fair and just for both parties.
  3. Offering a Fair Compensation to Experienced Contractors – There is a difference between fair compensation and reasonable compensation, fair compensation is providing the bare minimum while reasonable compensation is providing an amount that justifies the time and energy the contractor has put in to work on the project. Experienced contractors tend to charge a tad more than new contractors, as tenured contractors can get the job done well and quickly.

Web Design Quotes: What did we learn?

By avoiding the 3 mistakes of acquiring web design quotes mentioned here and by getting a written quote via email or through a web form, you can ensure that you have a working relationship with a web developer that doesn’t just end as fast as it started. Building good relations with a contractor that is talented and experienced is always an advantage that you can enjoy if you are ready to pay a reasonable compensation that works for both you and the contractor.