Managing Your Web Developer For Small Businesses

website for small businesses

If you have a small business and are planning to hire a web developer then chances are that you want to know how to go about things and ensure a smooth transaction from the beginning until the project has been completed. Mentioned below are a few crucial points that will help you understand how to manage outsourcing when you hire a web developer.

A Solid Scope of Work

When you hire a web developer, it is important to have a solid scope of work so that you can tell him exactly how you want the work to be completed, by when you need the work to be completed, in what budget you need the task to be completed and how many updates you require for that project. The benefits of a solid scope of work include:

  • A proper understating through a contract
  • A set budget for a set number of tasks
  • No delays due to last minute extra work given by client
  • No work done without prior authorization of the client
  • Feedback and communication channels open at all times

An Equalized Approach

Communication is the key to a successful project as without a proper channel of communication the web developer will not be able to create a solid scope of work and the client will be unaware of updates along with the progress of the project. When you hire a web developer, always follow these tips:

  • For terms, conditions and information handouts always opt for written communication such as emails
  • Have a contract prepared that elaborates all that is discussed verbally
  • Be available to speak to the web developer especially if he needs more information
  • Give feedback and constructive criticism that will help progress the project quickly and smoothly
  • Be clear yet concise when you give feedback to the web developer, keep it short and simple


Along with a solid scope of work and a proper channel for communication along with feedback, remember to be patient when you hire a web developer especially a new one as it takes some time to understand the way he or she works. Hiring a web developing company is always the best way to prevent delays and unexpected problems as web developing companies are professionals and can complete the task at hand with ease due to being knowledgeable and experienced in this sector. As far as possible, hire a company with a good reputation, and a company that is willing to work on your term right from the beginning until the end. If you need the web developing company to manage your website after it has been created, then consider including this in your contract and mentioning this when you create a solid scope of work.